The last two weeks have been all about school. In particular Bubble is in his last year so the teachers and staff have made a fabulous effort to give them a few weeks of fun they will remember for a long time. We have had camp outs, barbecues, walks, fancy dress, bingo, beetledrives, and orienteering to name but a few. While this is has been amazing for the kids - It ain't half given me a few headaches with the extra things we have to remember everyday. Sleeping bags, roll mats, torches, fancy dress, sturdy boots for walking, (completely forgot about about sunscreen), extra drinks for hot days walking, leaving presents for teachers, awards ceremonies, school assemblies in church and school, class photos.....the list is endless. To add to this general chaos, they are off on their holidays in the camper with their dad as soon as they finish school today, and they are being dropped of at the "glampervan" next week, so there are two holdalls with two different sets of clothes in taking up the sofa, the ironing board is permanently up, it's too hot to walk the dog so he is bored and destructive, and I am in the middle of helping to decorate a room for a wedding celebration.
My organisational skills can at best be described as chaotic, and at worst like a nuclear bomb going off, the only thing I can positively say is it all gets done in the end!
Nothing however has given me a bigger headache than the prom! In my day we never had things like leavers discos or proms or activities week. I seem to remember being given a pen and pencil to use at secondary school, and that was it. Initially Bubble was a bit reluctant about the whole prom thing, so I thought he would not go, then after talking about it he came home and said he would go but "I am NOT wearing a suit and I am certainly NOT wearing old mans shoes." This suited me fine as I thought I could get away with buying him a new tee-shirt. Yet again I was to be proved wrong.
On Thursday he came home and decided he was really into the idea of the prom so please could I magic up a suit from somewhere! He needed it for Tuesday. He was busy at the weekend, and shopping was impossible.
Ebay came to the rescue, We measured him up, found a 5 piece suit (Jacket, trousers, waistcoat, shirt and tie) at a really reasonable price but the best bit was "fast and free delivery". I thought I was a genius - wardrobe sorted, it would be delivered Friday, we could have our weekend, concentrate on other stuff and generally be the kind of yummy supermummy I never am.
Of course it did not quite happen that way!
By Tuesday morning the said suit had still not arrived, despite being sent by first class signed for post it was no where to be seen. Frantic calls to the supplier, and the Post Office were useless. I checked my bank account which had nothing in it, and I had about £20 to my name. In desperation I phoned the Duchess, explained the situation and said please could I borrow some money as I have to go to Primark to sort Bubble out something to wear for that evening. It was the one day I had not jumped in the shower first thing, and now did not have time!
Set off on the 20 mile drive to our nearest Primark, and ended up in the mens wear section. I stand there scratching my head as I have no clue whatsoever about buying mens trousers or shirts. I don't know his collar size, his inside or outside leg measurements, or anything. In the end I decide Bubble is roughly the same size as me (a little bit taller) so I use myself to measure against. God knows what the shop assistant thought of a ditzy woman in mens wear measuring her neck and legs!
I paid for the items, jumped back in the car, drove the 20 miles back, jumped in the shower, microwaved some soup and turned up at church where Bubble was giving one of the speeches at the leavers assembly. Then I set off to the cricket club to help decorate the float they were all going on. Got back for 3.30 to meet the kids.
They came home, both with excellent school reports and I explained to Bubble about his new outfit, then he had to try it on and I did need to alter the legs and the belt a bit. Squeak wanted to go out playing and stropped when I said NO! She had to stay with me as we had to walk behind the float for the school prom. The dog needed to be walked, there was no tea made, my friend needed to use the printer, and I was instructed that he did not like his current deodorant so please could I nip to Mozzys and get some "Lynx".!
Chucking chicken nuggets and oven chips on a tray, I fled to Mozzys to get the right smellies, having got tea sorted, Bubble walked the dog, I altered the trousers. My friend arrived to use the printer with her toddler in tow. My house is an accident waiting to happen for toddlers! The iron was on, there were permanent marker pens everywhere (for the teeshirt signings tomorrow), the kitchen table is full of glass jars, and sparkly shiny things and hot glue guns, and lighters and wire cutters for wedding stuff I am doing. The front room is full of holiday things like new toothpaste and shampoo all of which toddlers love squeezing! I solved that issue by finding her some really healthy and nutritious crisps and sitting her on the sofa with supervisor Squeak.
By 5.55 we were finally, finally ready to go....
Bubble looked amazing, the float was superb, all the lads had made an effort to dress up and the girls looked simply stunning. Arriving at the prom they walked down the red carpet like the superstars they all are and had a superb ending to their days at primary school. Picking Bubble up at 9pm we walked home tired and happy. I forgot it was bin day in the morning so 6AM Wednesday morning, saw me running down the path with an over full wheelie bin in tee-shirt and knickers as that's what time the feckin bin men come and the missing suit decided to turn up in the post today!
Bubble has had an amazing time, and is very much looking forward to his jollys
I on the other hand think It's time to employ a cleaner!
Thanks for reading x
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