Today has been a nightmare. It's my own fault for going a bit demob crazy when I finally got out of the house, being cooped up for 4 days solid does funny things me. I have been up and down the street more often than some people wash their hair. It was not as if I was doing anything out of the ordinary, I just went food shopping!
I went to our local supermarket, paid a pound for the trolley, and set off shopping, FORGOT that I had walked as the car is at my brothers waiting for a new tyre. So filled the trolley up, sent a text to 11 year old Bubble asking if he wanted a Disney DVD as they were on offer - the reply was "maybe...which one?" I replied with a couple of titles, the response was fast and to the point "Mum, I am 11 not 3!" So I took that as a NO and carried on round the aisles. It was only when I had piled the shopping on the conveyor belt I realised the fatal flaw. Shed loads of shopping and no car!
I looked around to see if there was anyone there that I knew, that I could beg a lift from, predictably there was no one in sight. I can't believe what I did next. Put the shopping in one of the trolley lockers next to cafe, lifted three bags out of it and walked home, dropped them off and went back for another 3, and then went back for the last 3! Finally got home to find the delinquent dog with his legs and eyes crossed as he really needed to go out. So back out we went, and it rained.! Got back home, to get a text from school saying our book order had arrived and could we collect it from the office? Went to school to pick Squeak and the books up and it hailstoned on me! This combined with fact our shopping cost twice as much as it normally does means a wet grumpy 40 something! (Guess what? I have to go out again this evening as Squeak is playing the piano in a music concert!).
I meant todays blog to be all about diets, I am on a diet and so far it's going pretty well. 17 pounds lost! I don't lose spectacular amounts but week on week the scales go in the right direction and I am happy to just plod along doing my own thing. However there are some things about dieting or healthy eating that make me really bloody grumpy. The worst offender is the word "Alternative". In my day Alternative meant grungy music and way out outfits, these days it seems to apply to anything gimmicky. There is NO real alternative to Bread (believe me, I have scoured the shelves and read all the labels) I do not want to mix my tuna fish with humous, greek yogurt, or anything else, it does not, nor will it ever taste like mayonnaise. New potatoes do not taste the same with low fat spread on them instead of butter, and buying cakes or biscuits with the name of well known dieting groups all over them is pointless. Quorn - whilst being low fat is bloody tasteless and is not an alternative. There are loads of nice things you can eat, just please don't tell me that alternatives are worth bothering with.
Thanks for reading!
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