I thought this was appropriate as being housebound with a poorly boy has seen me spending the day playing with blogs rather than doing anything constructive
Bubble isn't very well at all. He has shingles down his left arm and is off school, to be fair he is good company when he has enough pain killers, when they wear off he retreats into his duvet and whinges a lot. We have to avoid babies, pregnant women and people whose immune systems are compromised. As pretty much everyone these days goes round with a sign on their heads telling us which they are, we have decided it's probably best to stay put! Bubble points out that writing a blog will not in any way improve my social skills, and completely agreed with me when I said that was OK as I did not have any anyway! I am putting his cheeky comments down to illness!
Squeak is on a mission - She wants to decorate a cross for the school Easter competition, I want her to use buttons and a glue gun, both of which we have and would not involve any extra expense. Squeak wants to make and decorate a cake. This is a problem - I can't bake! Despite my numerous suggestions as to alternatives the girl is not for moving. She has now extended her cake making campaign to include Grandma and spends her time suggesting they visit the shop for ingredients. I think I may lose this one. I have visions of a wrecked kitchen, burnt frazzled hair, and a very proud offering which will probably end up in the dog.
The delinquent dog is very, very bored. Todays tricks involved tipping the bin over to scavange what he could, and pinching pencils off the kitchen table, he gives himself away when I find chewed up pencils all the way up the stairs!
Thanks for reading xxx
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