Today, for anyone who does not know, is Mothers Day. This is a day of mixed feelings for me, I love everything about Mothers day, when it comes to Bubble and Squeak, but it also means a visit to the Dowager. Not to visit on Mothering Sunday, would probably involve the will being changed and open warfare declared.
The Dowager makes Maggie Smiths version in Downton Abbey look like Mary Poppins (all raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens). Not afraid to voice her opinion on anything and everything (even when she knows nothing at all about the subject) she can, at times come out with some corking one liners that leave you open mouthed and lost for words. When I was young and daft I used to spend ages racking my brains for a really nice mothers day present, proudly present it, only to be told "that's nice dear". Said present would then disappear never to be seen again. Now I buy flowers and chocolates from Morrisons along with the rest of the world, and we are both much happier. Today the Dowager was in a good mood so the visit went much more smoothly than I had anticipated.
Squeak who is 8, loves mothers day, she delights in planning and executing a series of surprises for her mum, all of which I love despite the hours and hours it takes to clean up afterwards. 6.30 am saw her wobbling up the stairs with a tray, she had put a tea towel on the tray in case she spilt anything, and made bacon and eggs and proper coffee! Then she laid out a series of clues all around the house, each clue came with a handmade card or picture leading eventually to the front room where my flowers and cards were! She has a big heart my girl and I hope she always will have. Bubble is much more conventional but equally as thoughtful, he managed to smuggle a bouquet of flowers up to his room to surprise me with this morning, gave me the flowers and promptly disappeared playing minecraft!
Squeak does not see the world the way other people do and this has on occasions got us into quite a lot of trouble, she talked at a very early age and Squeak used to say what she saw. There was the occasion when she was 2 on holiday in Cornwall. Walking down the beach in the rain we were looking in rock pools when she came across a couple doing the same thing. Squeaks conversation with the strangers went like this. "Hello my name is Squeak, and you are a really, really fat lady!" Or the time she was in a supermarket, sitting in the trolley singing when an old lady came over to talk to her, this time she smiled and said "smelly old lady." We have had men with big noses, and ladies with facial hair. I have lost count of the times I have stood next to my daughter and wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole never to be seen again.
Squeak surpassed herself this week however, (it's my own fault for asking) I was feeling pretty chuffed with myself as I had bought a pair of jeans a whole size smaller than I usually buy, so asked her if she thought I was getting slimmer. After giving it some thought she quite seriously answered "I think your diet is working a little bit - your belly does not hang over your knickers anymore" Well I did ask!!
Thanks for reading
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